Our Story
Principal's Message
We welcome you to 2024-2025 school year! We are the Rough Riders of Roosevelt Elementary. If you are a new student we are excited to have you and if you are a returning student we are excited to have you! We thank you in advance for entrusting your student(s) to us. I’m proud to be back as your principal, Dr. Omaira Lee.
This year we plan to be bold, original, and unique just like the Paris Olympics. I’m excited about all this new school year has to offer and look forward to working with our students and families as we focus on continuous improvement in teaching and learning, and all areas of our school environment. I am proud of the work that we will do regarding the continuous implementation of standards.
The thought and planning that goes on behind the scenes as we transition to focusing more on the standards and rethinking what and how we teach is no small feat! I can only tell you that our students will benefit greatly from our efforts to stretch their learning in new and more challenging ways.
While we focus more on the standards and communicate often with our parents about how the standards will transform our classrooms and the success you will begin to see in your students when we begin to expect more. We are building critical thinking and deepening knowledge of skills in ways that will prepare them for the jobs of tomorrow. We want parents to understand that the standards are merely expectations, though rigorous expectations, of what students need to know and be able to do for the next step, next grade, and ultimately, college and career. Subsequently, we would like to establish a pathway for Roosevelt to become an AVID school; not a school with AVID where scholars, staff, and parents have access to create continuous improvement and provide equitable learning opportunities so all scholars have choices when they grow up.
This year along with our new Superintendent Ira Porchia, we will renew our commitment to excellence in all that we do, with a resolute expectation that all students can learn and succeed. Focusing on identified student groups in the areas of Literacy and Designated ELD. Improvements in literacy will positively impact student performance in every content area, and in their overall academic growth and development.
Roosevelt Elementary School serves a community of about 600 TK through fourth-grade students. Our mascot is a Rough Rider. Our school colors are red, white, and blue. We believe that all students have the full potential to reach any goal that they set out to accomplish. The education that they receive at our school will guide students to be caring, confident, and creative children.
At Roosevelt, we emphasize a strong PBIS program focusing on RIDERS (Respect, Integrity, Determined, Effort, Relationships, Safety Minded. This will help students become productive citizens who will have a positive effect on our society.
Additionally, as a Community School, we rely on the social worker, school nurse, community liaison, health aide, instructional assistants, and other community resources to ensure that all the needs of our students and families are met.
This is Dr. Lee’s 19th year in administration and 31st year in education, having served as an elementary classroom teacher, resource teacher/reading specialist, Reading First literacy coach, assistant principal, principal, and Coordinator at Riverside County Office of Education. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Masters of Science in Reading Education from California State University of Fullerton, and her Doctorate in K-12 Leadership from the University of Southern California. Continuing her love of learning, she attends AVID training, ACSA Academies, and other professional workshops.
Finally, when not working Dr. Lee enjoys hanging out with her mother and two older daughters Rachel and Jasmine and has season tickets to USC football games.
Finally, when not working Dr. Lee enjoys hanging out with her mother and two older daughters Rachel and Jasmine and has season tickets to USC football games.
Dr. Lee is committed to supporting scholars, teachers, and the community as we look forward to another ROUGH RIDER school year. I am excited about all that this new year has to offer and look forward to working collectively as a Rough Rider family to ensure that our students are provided with the best educational experience possible to be critical thinkers, responsible citizens, and prepared to be successful in their choices after high school.
It’s going to be an amazing year! Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. As always, I am open to your feedback. Your involvement and continued dedication are critical to our success. Thanks in advance, for all your dedication you put into this important work and to helping our students succeed.
School Hours:
8:10 a.m. - 2:40 p.m.
Early Dismissal
8:10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Office Hours
7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.