Roosevelt Elementary School Office Building


Here are just a few ways you can get involved to help our Roosevelt Rough Riders on the road to success!
  • School Site Council
  • English Language Advisory Committee
  • District English Learner Advisory Committee
  • Parent Coffee Club (Stay tuned for more information for the 2024/2025 school year.)
  • Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) (Stay tuned for more information for the 2024/2025 school year.)
School Site Council (SSC)     Meeting flyer and Current Agenda

The school site council (SSC) is a group of teachers, parents, and classified employees that works with the principal to develop, review and evaluate school improvement programs and school budgets. They attend and participate in meetings as required.  School site council members review the school-wide plan and provide input for revision.

English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)    Meeting flyer and Current Agenda

The English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) is a group of English Learner parents and community members who advise and assist schools in making important decisions related to services for English Learners. The California Education Code requires an ELAC to be formed at schools with more than 20 identified English Learners. Any student's parent or community member can serve on the ELAC. The ELAC executive board is made up of five ELAC members who can only be elected by parents of English Learners. At least three members of the executive board must be parents of English Learners themselves. The chairperson must be a parent of an English Learner in attendance at the school.

District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)

The DELAC, or subcommittee on English learner education, shall advise the district's local governing board (e.g., in person, by letters/reports, or through an administrator) on programs and services for English learners.  The DELAC shall be responsible for advising the district's local governing board on the following tasks:

  1. Development or revision of a district master plan of education programs and services for English learners, taking into consideration the Single School Plan for Student Achievement.
  2. Conducting a district-wide needs assessment on a school-by-school basis
  3. Establishment of district programs, goals, and objectives for programs and services for English learners (e.g.,  parental exception waivers and funding)
  4. Development of a plan to ensure compliance with any applicable teacher and instructional aide requirements.
  5. Administration of the annual language census (e.g., procedures and forms)
  6. Review and comment on the district's reclassification procedures
  7. Review and comment on the written notifications required to be sent to parents and guardians.
PTO Stands for Parent Teacher Organization.  Our PTO goals are to encourage interaction between family and school, serve as a source of support, and work with teachers, staff, and the community at large to improve our children's educational experience.  The PTO works closely with the school administration to meet this goal.  Below are our upcoming meeting dates.
PTO Dates 24-25
District Opportunities     Stakeholder Engagement Opportunities
Tulare City School District welcomes educational partner input and feedback at all times.  The public is welcome to attend all meetings and education opportunities.

Tulare City School District welcomes volunteers in the classroom and at school events.  Please contact your school site to get more information on how to be involved.