Roosevelt Elementary School Office Building

Our Purpose

The Roosevelt Elementary staff is dedicated to providing the students of Tulare with maximum opportunities to succeed in school and to become lifelong learners.  At Roosevelt Elementary, we believe that all students can learn and succeed. Our challenge at Roosevelt Elementary is to accept the responsibility that we control the conditions in the educational setting that foster success while continuing to foster the three-way partnership among parents, students, and teachers. This will ensure that the students of Roosevelt Elementary grow to become responsible, contributing members to our school and community. We have a variety of programs that allow for the growth and success of every child in our care, including before and after school care and a well-stocked library. Our highly qualified teachers and staff work hand in hand with the parents on our site council to ensure every student has the tools to succeed.
At Roosevelt, we emphasize a strong character and encourage students to do what’s right—no matter the situation. We integrate Character Counts lessons into our daily instruction and teach the six pillars of good character on a regular basis.  We promote the 3R's:  Respect, Responsibility, and Relationships.  Students understand that they are to Respect themselves and others.  In addition, our students take Responsibility for their actions and learn from them.  Finally, students are taught that they benefit from building positive Relationships with one another.  This will help students become productive citizens who will have a positive effect on our society.
Our Mission

The Roosevelt Elementary staff is dedicated to providing the students of Tulare with maximum opportunities to succeed in school and to become lifelong learners.  At Roosevelt Elementary, we believe that all students can learn and succeed. Our challenge at Roosevelt Elementary is to accept the responsibility that we control the conditions in the educational setting that foster success while continuing to foster the three-way partnership among parents, students, and teachers. This will ensure that the students of Roosevelt Elementary grow to become responsible, contributing members to our school and community.


State law requires that school-level plans for programs funded through the Consolidated Application be consolidated in a Single Plan for Student Achievement (Education Code Section 64001), developed by school site councils with the advice of any applicable school advisory committees. LEA’s allocate NCLB funds to schools through the Consolidated Application for Title I, Part A, Title III (Limited English Proficient), and Title V (Innovative Programs/Parental Choice). LEA’s may elect to allocate other funds to schools for inclusion in school plans. The content of the school plan includes school goals, activities, and expenditures for improving the academic performance of students to the proficient level and above. The plan delineates the actions that are required for program implementation and serves as the school's guide in evaluating progress toward meeting the goals.

Student Accountability Report Card (SARC)

The purpose of the Student Accountability Report Card (SARC) is to provide parents and the community with important information about each public school. A SARC can be an effective way for a school to report on its progress in achieving goals. The public may also use a SARC to evaluate and compare schools on a variety of indicators. State law requires every school in California to publish a School Accountability Report Card, by February 1 of each year.
SARC - Roosevelt